
The Race

It was a beautiful day to have the test.
All the students must run and try their best.
“You must do it alone.” I addressed the crowd.
“It’ll be a timed test so no cheatings allowed.”
And then a young man came up and asked
if he and his friend could run the race last.
“You know the rules, you cannot help your friend,
but if it’s important to you, then just go to the end.”
Then one by one they came up to the line,
they ran to the end and we noted their time.
And then the young man who’d made the request,
came up to the line and his time was the best.
The students all cheered for the record he beat.
For they had all known, t’was an impossible feat.
But, humbly he turned and stood at the end.
Began clapping his hands and called to his friend.
This young man seemed different, as I looked at his face.
But, he’d stepped to the line and began his race.
His friend at the end kept calling his name
and clapping his hands as he ran down the lane.
As he crossed the end his true friend he did find.
It was then that I noticed the young man was blind.
The roar of the crowd was much louder than all.
For he’d run the whole way and he did not fall.
His race was not fast but he’d made the choice
that to finish the race he must follow the voice.
It was then that I learned a true gospel plan.
That God’s at the end and he’s calling to man.
And since we’re all blind and we cannot see.
He’s calling our name saying come follow me.
So the question remains will you make the choice
to stumble and fall or to follow God’s voice?

By Matthew Swan
December 11, 2011